module Validator
∠(・.-)―〉 →◎ validator
is a Crystal data validation module.
Very simple and efficient, all validations return true
or false
Also validator/check (not exposed by default) provides error message handling intended for the end user.
There are 2 main ways to use validator:
- As a simple validator to check rules (eg: email, url, min, max, presence, in, ...) which return a boolean.
- As a more advanced validation system which will check a series of rules and returns all validation errors encountered with custom or standard messages.
By default the validator module expose only Validator
and Valid
(alias) in the scope:
require "validator" "" # => true
Valid.url? "" # => true
Valid.my_validator? "value to validate", "hello", 42 # => true
An (optional) expressive validation flavor, is
available as an alternative.
Not exposed by default, it must be imported:
require "validator/is"
is :email?, "" # => true
is :url?, "" # => true
is :my_validator?, "value to validate", "hello", 42 # => true
# raises an error if the email is not valid
is! :email?, "" # => Validator::Error
is a macro, no overhead during the runtime 🚀
By the nature of the macros, you can't pass the validator name dynamically
with a variable like that is(validator_name, "my value to validate", arg)
But of course you can pass arguments with variables is(:validator_name?, arg1, arg2)
Make a series of checks, with a customized error message for each case.
require "validator/check"
check =
check("email", "The email is required.", is :absence?, "email", user)
Custom validator
Just add your own method to register a custom validator or to overload an existing validator.
module Validator
# My custom validator
def self.my_validator?(value, arg : String, another_arg : Int32) : Bool
# write here the logic of your validator...
return true
# Call it
puts Valid.my_validator?("value to validate", "hello", 42) # => true
# or with the `is` flavor
puts is :my_validator?, "value to validate", "hello", 42 # => true
is a simple and lightweight wrapper, let your imagination run wild to add your logic around it.
Using the custom validator with the validation rules:
require "validator/check"
class Article
# Mixin
property title : String
property content : String
content: {
# Now the custom validator is available
check: {
my_validator: {"My validator error message"},
between: {"The article content must be between 10 and 20 000 characters", 10, 20_000},
# ...
# Triggered with all data
v, article = Article.check(input_data)
# Triggered with one value
v, content = Article.check_content(input_data["content"]?)
Defined in:
Class Method Summary
.color_code?(value : String) : Bool
Custom validator to validate the color code string.
.password?(value : String) : Bool
Custom validator to validate the password string.
.phone_number?(value : String) : Bool
Custom validator to validate the phone number string.
Class Method Detail
Custom validator to validate the color code string.
NOTE Examples: #fff | #f2f2f2 | #f2f2f200 | rgb(255,0,24) | rgba(255,0,24,0.5) | rgba(#fff,0.5) | hsl(120,100%,50%) | hsla(170,23%,25%,0.2) | 0x00ffff
Custom validator to validate the phone number string.